Haderech Hanechona is headed by Rivka Goldstein.

Rivka obtained her graduate degree in Theology and Pastoral Counseling from Harvard University.

She is a certified marriage and intimacy therapist and a practitioner of Emotionally Focused Therapy — EFT is the gold standard for individual, couple and family therapy by the American Psychological Association.

Services We Provide

We fill where there’s a lack to ensure the mental, emotional and physical well-being of our community. From hachnasa kallah to bris and bar mitzvahs, from seuda Shabbos to seuda yom tov.

We help families pay for Jewish children who are currently in secular schools to move to Jewish schools, as well as assist families with children currently in Jewish schools to remain in Jewish schools.

We also pair Jews around the world – young and old, men and women, couples, singles, observant, non-observant who cannot afford mental health services with therapists, counselors and/or coaches appropriate to their needs and situations.

Why The Urgency?

“Suicide and depression rates among Jews is 10.6% higher than general population and higher than members of  the other religious groups….”. 

– Harvard Department of Psychiatry National Depression Screening Day Scale

While the memory of the Holocaust is still alive, the war in Israel and the all-time high rates of world-wide antisemitism are among the reasons for this epidemic. Fears and loneliness have greatly exacerbated anxiety and depression.

“University campuses are now a breeding ground for hatred against Jews funded by antisemitic groups and countries….”

Non-profit to raise funds
for jewish causes including trauma
and mental health counseling

We depend 100% on the contributions of our donors to match families including children and teens with mental health professionals.

Your Support Is
Really Important


When my husband got into a car accident and was incapacitated for months, I became the sole breadwinner of my household. I had to juggle work, children and elderly parents while nursing my husband through multiple surgeries, rehabilitation and emotional health when I, myself was overwhelmed. Haderech Hanechona provided us with support we desperately needed from rent and groceries to hospital visits… We really don’t know how we could have made it through without this support. Thank you.”
Hadasah Meyers Hollywood, FL
I was mildly traumatized after October 7th being in seminary in Israel, I sank into depression… It was hard to see other young women like myself in so much pain and trouble… all the injustice and anti-semitism I experience and see in the news didn’t help. At one point I was barely functional, Rivka helped me a lot.
Dvora Shuller Israel
On more than one occasion I ran out of daily necessities for my children and myself. Haderech Hanechona pulls me out of the mud and gave me the mental, emotional and financial help I need to stay afloat. My children also received the support they need to help them cope, including going to camp. I have no other words but thank you.
Zahava Bernstein Doral, FL
As a small but growing community we always turn to Haderech Hanechona for the support we need for just about every holiday from Shavuot to Rosh Hashana, Purim to Pesach and many Shabbat meals all through the year for those in need.
Levy Rotzenburg Miami, FL
Rivka helps my children both in shidduchim and marriage counseling. I’m grateful for Haderech Hanechona.
Esti Dahan Los Angeles, CA
At one point in my life I was unemployed from an illness and I had tons of medical bills. I live by myself and I have no family or friends nearby and I was too embarrassed to ask anyone for help. I met Rivka at an event where she was the speaker and something in me tells me to ask her… so I did, out of desperation. Rivka helped me and I’m now back to work and maybe I can say finally thriving. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Melissa Lebowics Hallandale, FL
My husband’s business fell into a hard time recently and we were completely demoralized and in agony. We didn’t know how best to proceed if we should move forward or stay put both in our personal and professional lives. With the mountain of bills and responsibilities, we simply did not know how to move forward. We were stuck and frankly frozen with fears. Haderech Hanechona provided us with the mental, emotional strength as well as financial support to help us through this uncertain and challenging time. We are B’H on our feet now.
Lea Horowitz Hollywood, FL